RFF beliefs

We Believe A Person’s Religious Beliefs Are Part Of Their Intersectional Identity. RFF Advocates For Freedom Of Religion And Freedom From Religion. If Religious-Based Homophobia Is Not Directly Confronted, The World Will Remain An Unsafe Space For LGBTI Folks. A Religious Problem Requires A Religious Response.

Our Work


Rainbow Faith and Freedom is a global movement to confront religious-based LGBTI discrimination and improve the human and equality rights of LGBTI people everywhere.

Decreasing and lessening the effects of religious-based LGBTI discrimination can, and will, make changing punitive laws easier and improve the lives of LBGTI people so they can be who they are, love who they want, and find safe and accepting places to practice their faith (worship).

Rainbow Faith and Freedom is focused on three pillars of activity to address religious-based LGBTI discrimination – faith-based resources, strategic nation-focused programming, and domestic faith-based initiatives.


Our Projects


Mapping The Landscape

This report examines the ways in which faith-based discrimination affects 2SLGBTQ+ people in a variety of key societal sectors, including public education, family units, worship spaces and healthcare.

Read more here.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica, historically a 2SLGBTQ+ safe haven, has recently seen a significant increase in religious hate. RFF is working with activists on the ground to support both short and long term solutions.

Read more here.

WWL is a research project to create a safer place for 2SLGBTQ+ people everywhere, but specifically for 2SLGBTQ+ people of faith in Ontario.

Read more here.

The Worshipping With Love Final Report

RFF is a unique Canadian organization because it recognizes that religious-based discrimination is a significant problem in Canada that warrants urgent attention. RFF, in contrast to most other 2SLGBTQ+ human rights organizations, does not believe that religious beliefs can be ignored any longer in the fight to end homophobia and transphobia. Because religious institutions continue to weaponize belief to perpetuate discrimination of 2SLGBTQ+ people, and because religious belief is a human right, religious-discrimination must be confronted from a religious perspective that both affirms and is inclusive of 2SLGBTQ+ identity and faith.

Worshiping with Love is a research project Rainbow Faith and Freedom developed to create a safer place for 2SLGBTQ+ people everywhere, but specifically for 2SLGBTQ+ people of faith in Ontario. Worshiping with Love is a 2-year, Ontario-based research project funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada.

Download the Worshipping With Love Final Report.

My faith is very important to me. After I came out, I was rejected by my community and never thought I would have a spiritual home again; I was devastated. But the people at Rainbow Faith and Freedom have empowered me to be the change I want to see in the world, and I’ve started showing others a new way to look at our faith. Now, instead of feeling alone in the world, I’ve found others who share my outlook and we’re building something beautiful - together.